Saturday, February 16, 2013

New Bluff Trail

 New Bluff Trail

The Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge is a 170 acre complex of meadows, woodlands and wetlands on the east bank of the Willamette River just north of the Sellwood Bridge. The refuge is the largest remaining natural area within the lower Willamette River floodplain.

Recently the 1.1 mile long trail along the bluff was regraded and 900 feet of boardwalk was added over wet areas.

The new observation deck is well-positioned to take advantage of views over the slough channels.

The boardwalk goes right under the beautiful mural painted on the back of the mausoleum.  The beaver is larger than life!

To prove that beaver really do live here, they have chewed down a tree right along the trail, leaving their teethmarks for all to see.

Don't have to worry about the rains and the wet areas any more.

Beautiful stonework too.

These pictures were taken on January 2, 2013.  The grand re-opening of the trail will be on Saturday, March 9th.  There will be tent set up with a display of photos of animals and birds that inhabit Oaks Bottom.  Nelson Nature Photography photos will be featured.

Copyright 2013 Tom Nelson

All Rights Reserved

Please ask before you use my photos

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